What is Life Coaching?

cuddling bunnies and dancing in the rain?

Hear the term life coaching and often people conjure up thoughts of someone spouting motivational quotes and high fiving you for breathing…. it’s not that

The simplest definition I’ve come up with is supporting someone to reach their goals by exploring the reality and options available to establish a clear, achievable plan.

A coach will ask you thought provoking questions to help you identify how you can achieve your goals in small steps. They will also make you accountable and will follow up with you.
Overall your coach is the translator for your tangled inner thoughts as well as the person who will help you keep on track. A good coach will give you a safe space and the time to spend on yourself, which is invaluable.

As a coach I’m excited to help people achieve their happy!

As one year closes another one opens

What will you do to be fulfilled this year?

As we are all shockingly aware, time waits for no man and we get older every day. There is no time when we notice this more than at the end of a year, looking forward to the next.

This January I will be studying to become a life coach, to help me support my family, friends, colleagues and other people better. As with most things the more you put in, the more you get out, and I would like happiness for others to be my legacy.

The concept of legacy is something that drives me forwards. Imagining what people will remember you for in 2, 5, or even 20 years is a powerful motivator to make a change and do and be all the things that will make you feel happy and fulfilled.

Focus on one thing you’d like to be remembered for and take small steps toward it. Within a few years this desire will have become a part of your day to day life.